Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Today January 31th , the last egg hatched. yay!!!... it's a dark color silkie, not sure if it's grey or black yet.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

The 2 hens have a chick

The 2 hens finally hatched a chick, I'm not sure who is the biological mother if any of them two at all. They're notorious for stealing eggs from their sisters.

Below are the pictures of the new baby.

Thursday, January 12, 2012


-- No new chicks today but I decided to move the potential moms out of the coop. I think the living situation there is not optimal. I moved them to the garage in a small tote container, put some hay and added their eggs. To be honest, I don't know who's eggs are those anyways, those tricky hens make the other hens lay there next to them so they can steal their eggs. I have seen it. So, the birth of the chicks should be a surprise. Last time, Nizo, my black silky hen stole a bunch of frizzle eggs and she raised them. We'll see this time around.

Silky hen

My silky hen, Nizo

Stylish as usual--

She had a chick not too long ago, now she refuses to go outside and act like a chicken. She hangs around with the dogs and chills while I type and work from home.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Chicks soon?...

The hens decided to go broody. Well, the meanest of the hens went "Brutus", that's broody for us.
One of the triplets black sizzle sisters decided that she was ready for some chick raising family of her own. I totally didn't expect it from her. She is just the meanest hen I ever had, even meaner than her adoptive mom.
About 2 weeks ago she took some eggs from the other hens and sat on them, I don't need more chickens so I have been taking eggs consistently from under her. Every day she cohorts the other hens to lay in her spot next to her and then takes the eggs and sits on them. I marked her own egg with a happy face so I know at all times which egg I am keeping on the coop with her and which ones I'm taking away for stir fry.
She's really something else, she was raised with sultans and silkie chicks, so now, whenever she wants to go for a dust bath she somehow convinces the sisters to sit on her clutch and watch her eggs. She always comes back after a few mins but it's so funny to see this happen.