Thursday, December 8, 2011

Chuck Hughes' delicious holiday desserts

Chuck Hughes' delicious holiday desserts

chicken talk

The Story goes...

There was once upon a time a chick named Nizo, she had a twin brother Earl, he died young as he encountered the Falcon, predator to all birds in the neighborhood.
She was raised by her human (me) and soon developed a love for the indoors.

to be continued

Smells Like Chicken!!

This is Mr. Smells Like Chicken.

He's a juvenile Sizzle, a mix of Chinese Silkie and Frizzle. His name is due to the fact that his feathers have a chicken smell, sometimes he smells like roasted rosemary chicken since he likes to tan right next to the plant. He's very sweet for a Roo, he eats right off your hand and goes to bed in his coop first thing in the evening.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The silky hen

The new silky mom. The truth be told, this hen loves going broody. She steals eggs from the other hens and sits on them until they hatch. Needless to say they don't look like her. She raises them and patiently awaits her nest batch of eggs.