Thursday, December 8, 2011

Chuck Hughes' delicious holiday desserts

Chuck Hughes' delicious holiday desserts

chicken talk

The Story goes...

There was once upon a time a chick named Nizo, she had a twin brother Earl, he died young as he encountered the Falcon, predator to all birds in the neighborhood.
She was raised by her human (me) and soon developed a love for the indoors.

to be continued

Smells Like Chicken!!

This is Mr. Smells Like Chicken.

He's a juvenile Sizzle, a mix of Chinese Silkie and Frizzle. His name is due to the fact that his feathers have a chicken smell, sometimes he smells like roasted rosemary chicken since he likes to tan right next to the plant. He's very sweet for a Roo, he eats right off your hand and goes to bed in his coop first thing in the evening.